“Rewinder” is the story of Denny Younger, a young man in an alternate universe to our own. Denny's universe is dominated by a rigidly stratified social system that resembles in some ways a monarchist system of Government. Movement between the social strata is tightly controlled by the Government. The story follows Denny as he moves out of school and into the career chosen for him by the Government. He is blessed to have skills and abilities that land him in a dream job, a job in which he returns to the past past to verify upper class bonifides. Eventually Denny finds himself in a technical and moral dilemma that he must resolve.
Many of the standard time travel paradoxes apply but they are used with interesting effect by the author. And my favorite part is that the story's hero uses them in an interesting way to resolve his problem.
I enjoy time travel stories and, in particular, new (to me) observations, implications and possibilities. Brett Battles has delivered on all these in “Rewinder” while also providing a very enjoyable central character and story.
Rewinder is a new direction from other books from Brett Battles; definitely not a Jonathan Quinn or Project Eden book. I've enjoyed his earlier books, and I really enjoyed this new one as well. I ended up devouring it in a single day.
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